Starcraft 2 Coop

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  1. Starcraft 2 Coop Mutation
  2. Starcraft 2 Coop Guide
  3. Starcraft 2 Coop Stetmann
Primary Objectives
  • Do not let Aurana's Transport be destroyed
  • Purify Security Terminals (5)

Bonus Objective

ผู้เล่นนับล้านได้เล่น StarCraft II เกมที่สร้างประวัติศาสตร์หน้าใหม่ของวงการเกม ถึงคราวที่คุณจะสั่งการและนำกองทัพเทอแรน โปรทอส. A lot of new players have problems with commander selection, particularly their first paid commander. Co-op features a host of different commanders with a wide variety of playstyles, and given the large roster available, can be overwhelming. Animal crossing wild world ds buy.

  • Download AI Personalities (6)

Long ago, this Protoss facility was used to convert the personalities of great warriors into AI known as the Purifiers. Researchers tested the process on a Tal'darim prisoner, whose rogue personality began to attack the facility. Now the Purifier guardian Aurana is attempting to regain control.

Starcraft 2 Coop Mutation

  • 1Objectives
  • 2The Mission


Primary Objectives[edit]

  • Do not let Aurana's Transport be destroyed
  • Purify Security Terminals (5)

Bonus Objective[edit]

  • Download AI Personalities (6)

The Mission[edit]

Players will have to defend Aurana as she moves from Terminal to Terminal (yellow circles in the map below) and she will purify each one. It takes 2:45 to purify the Terminals. During the upload, she will be attacked by Suppression Towers, which will stun her until they are dealt with. Aurana can be attacked both by ground and air units. Although she has high health, the waves of enemies can easily surround and destroy her. Your goal is to defend her transport from attack waves and Suppression Towers.

Suppression Towers deal 240 damage per volley to Aurana's Transport. That ability has a cooldown of 6 seconds. However, when players engage a Suppression Tower, it stops attacking Aurana for 30 seconds before resuming attacks again. Additionally, if players have not destroyed the tower within three minutes of it spawning, it will attack Aurana's transport every 2 seconds.

The first Terminal is where Aurana starts when you start the mission. No Suppression Towers will spawn to attack.

Enemy Base Analysis[edit]

  • The first camp you should attack is positioned at your expansion. The expansions for both players are defended by static defense and a few units.
  • For the second Terminal, one Suppression Tower will spawn, which are guarded very lightly by units and static defense. There are two potential spawn points for this Suppression Tower.
  • For the third Terminal, two Suppression Towers will spawn, which are protected by small enemy bases. There are three potential spawn points for these two Suppression Towers.
  • For the fourth Terminal, three Suppression Towers will spawn. There are five potential spawn points for these three Suppression Towers. Each Suppression Tower is protected by a camp of enemy units.
  • For the fifth Terminal, four Suppression Towers will spawn. There are six potential spawn points for these four Suppression Towers. Three of these four Suppression Towers are protected by a larger camp of enemy units supported by static defense. The fourth Suppression Tower is protected by an enemy base, supported by static defense and strong enemy units.
  • Suppression Towers are marked with red circles in the map below.
  • The Suppression Tower Spawn Timings1 are as follows:
Terminal 3
TowerTime left1
Terminal 5
TowerTime left1
3 + 40:55

1This Data is based on Brutal difficulty. All times are shown as time left on the clock to completion of the terminal.

Completing the Bonus Objective[edit]

The bonus objective requires you to download three AI Personalities each from two beacons (green circles in the map below). This bonus objective requires resources to complete. Each AI personality costs 350 Minerals/100 Gas to download. Therefore, you will require 1050 minerals/300 Gas to download all personalities for a single objective. The objective will expire exactly 4 minutes after it starts. Each beacon is defended by a force of enemy units and static defense.

Note that when the first A.I. Personality download has been initiated, three attack waves will spawn to attack and destroy the objective. Once these are cleared, you only require vision in order to complete the rest of the downloads.

The Map[edit]

The following map shows the above mentioned marks and circles.

Mission Tips[edit]

  • Pay attention to Aurana's Transport while it is moving. It will slow down if enemy units attack it, giving them even more time to damage it.
  • Aurana's Transport does not regen to full HP at the end of every Terminal. It heals a total of 5000 HP per terminal.
  • When downloading Personalities for the bonus objective, only three attack waves will spawn in close proximity to each other. Once those attack waves are cleared, all you need is vision to download the rest. No defenses are required.
  • Pre-clearing the areas ahead of the transport is the best way to ensure it doesn't take damage and allows you to finish the mission as fast as possible.

Additional Info[edit]

  • Available since August 29, 2017.
Co-op Missions

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Brutal+ is considered an 'Extended Difficulty'. That is, missions will take place on the regular Brutal difficulty. However, in addition to the standard mission mechanics, a certain number of random mutators are added to your game. You may queue into random queue on Brutal+ difficulty, as long as the commander you are queueing in with is at Level 15. For Brutal+2 and higher, you will require a person in your party to play.

To learn more about how Brutal+ difficulty mutators are selected, you may watch the video below. The video goes over what Mutation Templates are, how the different mutator possibility counts are calculated mathematically and then how the weightings are rebalanced to be more in line with Blizzard's design intent. Where is the projects.

The number of mutators that will be selected is between two and four. Each difficulty level is assigned a total number of points, which corresponds to the total mutation difficulty. The point/mutator brackets for each difficulty level is shown below. Note that the mutator counts for generated Brutal+ mutations are not evenly distributed. You are more likely to see 2 and 3-mutator games than 4 mutator games, as is Blizzard's desgin intent. For more information, please watch the video above.

DifficultyMin. PointsMax. PointsMin. MutatorsMax. Mutators

Each mutator in the game is assigned a point cost that corresponds to its difficulty level. For more information on mutators, you may check the Mutators page, which contains a lot of mutator-specific information such as their internal mechanics and also provide some commander-specific tips on how to handle them. The list of mutators and their associated point costs are shown below.

Click the column headers to sort Ascending/Descending by that column. Click a row to toggle that row and calculate the total cost of a selected set of mutators.

Mutator Cost
Aggressive Deployment3
Alien Incubation2
Black Death7
Boom Bots10
Concussive Attacks1
Double Edged3
Eminent Domain1
Evasive Maneuvers1
Fatal Attraction3
Going Nuclear3
Hardened Will2
Heroes from the Storm10
Just Die7
Kill Bots6
Laser Drill2
Lava Burst3
Life Leech1
Long Range2
Micro Transactions5
Mineral Shields2
Missile Command3
Moment of Silence2
Mutually Assured Destruction5
Orbital Strike1
Photon Overload1
Power Overwhelming5
Purifier Beam2
Scorched Earth2
Self Destruction3
Slim Pickings5
Speed Freaks2
Temporal Field1
Time Warp1
Void Reanimators5
Void Rifts10
Walking Infested2
We Move Unseen3

Starcraft 2 Coop Guide

Total Cost

You may use the demo below to simulate random mutator templates at different difficulty levels. Simply select your intended Brutal+ difficulty level and press Go. The algorithm used very closely matches the algorithm that the Starcraft II engine uses to generate the mutations, with a few optimizations to speed up the code, given that this is coded in PHP and not Galaxy. When a mutation set has been provided, you will also be given the total point cost of all the mutators in your set.


Starcraft 2 Coop Stetmann

Mutators (0 Points):

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